How to get started


Ultimately, a full blown Scale Up Ecosystem project involves thousands of people from all sectors and dozens of programs and activities. But taking the first step towards scaling up your local economy is simple:

Scale Up Ecosystems Master Program – A 6-week long remote program for your local economic development teams. Modeled after the three-day program at Babson we created in 2014, the Master Program is the only open program for local economic development program of its kind to teach leaders to learn the full Scale Up Ecosystems methodology, including the Scale Up Tookit™.

Stakeholder Activation Process – A three-month process of activating and aligning stakeholders, including several one-day workshops for regional leaders to apply the Scale Up Ecosystem methodology to assess their local ecosystem’s assets and plan a Scale Up Ecosystem project. 

Scalerator click here for information about our six-month our Scale Up team delivers remotely (now called ScaleratorPrime) that generates #RealGrowth and quickly demonstrates that surprising new growth is possible right in your backyard. 

“Participating companies have clearly benefited from the remote features of ScaleratorPrime, including the high energy level and commitment conveyed by the faculty; the opportunity for faculty to join all sessions; and the camaraderie building among the companies through well-planned Zoom workshops.  Cohort 4 companies are growing through this dynamic learning experience.” Deborah Hoover, CEO, Burton D. Morgan Foundation.

Scale Up Communications Training – A six-module training program to teach communities how to build a culture of growth using specific messaging tools. Also available as an interactive, online course.